General Guidelines on the Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights on the Site


All the contents of this website are the exclusive and confidential property of the owner and/or its assignees and/or third parties where indicated, and are protected by current national and international regulations on the protection of Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights.

The term “Site” is intended to refer to any content and technical-informatics element underlying the Site itself, including, by way of example but not limited to, the software that enables its operation and related codes, electronic databases, texts, photographs, animations, audio and video files regardless of format, reproductions of trademarks, logos, etc. the technical solutions adopted, graphic designs, structure and any other part already created or to be created.

The term “Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights” relating to the Site is intended to refer to the set of rights recognized and protected by current national and international regulations, including – by way of example and without limitation, with respect to all states of the world and without limitation – any right arising from patents (including the right to file the relevant application), present or future copyrights, trademarks and/or service marks (whether registered or used de facto by the Owner), brands, trade names, firms, know-how, domain names, databases and all related applications.

By the term “Materials” we mean to refer to any content of the Site represented – by way of example and not exhaustively – by texts, images, graphic realizations, files, software of any kind, audio materials, videos, virtual animations, multimedia and/or hypertextual elements, regardless of the formats, the media that contain them, the extension (by way of example and not exhaustively: mp3, wav, jpg, mpeg, gif, doc, etc.), the size, the versions in use, the techniques used for their distribution and/or transmission.

Materials published on the Site may not be used without having obtained prior written authorization from the Owner and/or the rights holders, who expressly reserve all forms of reproduction and use, and-where not unreasonably withheld such authorization in writing-must nevertheless remain in

  1. their original format and, if reproduced, must always bear the proprietary or copyright or author indications;
  2. not involve use, in any capacity and for any purpose, for profit;
  3. cite the source, the author and/or owner of the rights to the Materials and the web address from which they were taken;

The use in any way and for any reason of Materials represented by legal texts (e.g.: notices, contract conditions, etc.) published online on the Site is strictly prohibited. Any violation will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. For the inclusion of materials published on the Site collections and / or anthologies – including digital – you must request the written permission of the Owner.

Reproduction Of Articles, Journalistic News And Press Reviews

The reproduction and use of the articles contained in the “News” section of the Site shall comply with the provisions of Articles 65 and 101 of Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941, as amended and supplemented, which provide: (Art. 65) “ news articles of an economic, political or religious character, published in magazines or newspapers, or broadcast or made available to the public, and other materials of the same character may be freely reproduced or communicated to the public in other magazines or newspapers, including radio and television, if the reproduction or use has not been expressly reserved, provided that the source from which they are taken, the date and the author’s name, if reported, are indicated ”; (art. 101) “ the reproduction of information and news is lawful as long as it is not done with the use of acts contrary to honest practices in journalistic matters and as long as the source is cited. ”

Electronic Databases

All rights to any electronic databases present and accessible on the Site are reserved. Unless otherwise provided for, their extraction, reproduction and any other use is prohibited, within the limits of the provisions of Articles 64-quinquies and 64-sexies of Law April 22, 1941, No. 633 and subsequent amendments and additions. On this point, it should be noted that, pursuant to Article 102-ter of the aforementioned law, the lawful user of the electronic database made available to the public may not cause prejudice to the owner of the copyright or other related right pertaining to the works or performances contained in that database. In addition, the lawful user of a database made available to the public in any way may not perform operations that conflict with the normal operation of the database or cause undue prejudice to the maker of the database. Activities of extraction or reuse of non-substantial parts, evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively, of the contents of the database for any purpose carried out by the legitimate user are not subject to the permission of the maker of the database made available to the public in any way.

Trademarks, Domain Names And Other Distinctive Signs

Trademarks, trade names, logotypes, domain names and any other distinctive signs as well as all content, text, images, software shown on this site, color combinations, selection of structure, management and presentation of its contents are the exclusive property of the owner and/or its partners or grantors or assigns.

They may not be used – for any purpose – without prior written consent. The distinctive signs published here may not be used as Internet addresses and/or domain names for other websites, or as parts of such addresses and domain names, without prior written consent.

All intellectual and industrial property rights as provided by national and international industry regulations are expressly reserved by the owners. In case of infringement, the authors will be prosecuted according to law.


For any clarification regarding the use of the Materials available on the Site and/or regarding the regime of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, you can contact the responsible REG Galbiati Srl at

The Materials published on the Site have been carefully screened and analyzed, and have been processed with the utmost care. In any case, errors, inaccuracies and omissions are possible. Except for professional legal services provided online, the Owner shall not be liable – with respect to the Materials freely available on the Site – for errors and omissions or for any reliance you place on the Materials.

Unless otherwise provided, the information contained in the Materials is for informational and update purposes only and is not intended to be exhaustive, nor may it be construed as an expression of opinion or an indication or assumption for the purpose of making decisions. The Owner cannot be held responsible for any action or omission made by users as a result of the use of the information contained in the Materials without having requested in advance from the Owner a specific investigation or opinion on the matter.

The user agrees to scrupulously respect the conditions of use of the Materials usable on the Site and to respect all Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights related to them. The user will answer on his own behalf for all possible illicit or damaging acts attributable to him, also conferring the widest indemnity to the Owner in the event that the behavior in violation of national and/or international regulations for the protection of Intellectual and/or Industrial Property – herein fully recalled and applicable to the extent not expressly provided for – harms the rights of third parties in general.